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Digital Impressions for Obstructive Sleep Apnea Appliance

This article documents how to capture upper and lower scans for an oral appliance to treat obstructive sleep apnea. The patient was recently diagnosed with mild sleep apnea with a...

Occlusal Guard with Digital Impressions by Medit i500

This is a case imaged for an occlusal guard, wehre the upper arch took only 43 seconds to capture. Afterwads, the lower arch is captured, and then ultimately we move...

Checking Occlusion with Digital and Clinical Landmarks for a Clear Aligner Case

Here’s a clear aligner case where the upper and lower arches were scanned and the buccal bite was taken with the Medit i500 IOS system. Prior to the digital impressions...

Recommended Laptop / Desktop for your Medit i500

or you can get this mobile cart with a powerful desktop that you wheel from room to room, instead of carrying around the laptop.    ...

Errors Introduced with Long Span Imaging and how to Correct Them

This case shows a full arch imaging where the model starts to go “off track”. To keep the explanation simple, the further away you get from multiple planes / heights...