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exocad DentalCAD and exocad Chairside (CS)

What is Exocad?

  • Exocad is a powerful software that can import any STL, OBJ, or PLY file from any digital impression system, design a restoration, and fabricate it by outputting to either a milling or printing machine.  This is a very simplified explanation and CAD-Ray will guide you through the process.

What is the difference between Exocad DentalCAD and Exocad Chairside (C.S) ?

  • Exocad DentalCAD is utilized by over 35,000 users worldwide and is a very powerful software that allows you to design and fabricate a wide range of restorations, ranging from single units to bars and removable dentures.  It may be overkill or intimidating to a dentist or for chair-side, so the alternative is the C.S. platform.  Be aware that the DentalCAD system has many add-on modules that the C.S. version does not, as you can see in the attached table
Add-On Module Exocad DentalCADExocad Chairside (C.S.)
Bite Splint ModuleYesYes
Provisional ModuleYesYes
TruSmile TechnologyYesYes
Custom abutmentsYesComing Soon
Screw-retained bridgesYesNo
Standard barsYesNo
Complex barsYesNo
Create physical modelsYesNo
Bite Splint ModuleYesNo
Full denturesYesNo
Partial framework designYesNo
Virtual ArticulatorYesNo
Smile DesignYesNo
Jaw Motion ImportYesNo


What are the pricing and software options for Exocad DentalCAD?

PERPETUAL Yearly Maintenance Fee$1500N/A
Software still functions if you opt out, but no new features will be added
OPTIONAL Yearly Fee for UpdatesN/A
Software stops functioning without yearly fee.
For continuous software updates
Implant Restorative Module$500 / Year (Perpetual)
FDA regulations mandate yearly updates
$ 1200 one time purchase with yearly optional $450 updates
Provisional Module$250 / year (Perpetual)$600 one time purchase with yearly optional $150 updates
Bite Splint Module$350 / year (Perpetual)$ 1200 one time purchase with yearly optional $450 updates
Implant PlanningComing SoonComing Soon


What are the pricing and software options for Exocad Chairside C.S.?

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